In this project, the BIAPT lab tested the feasibility of using the biomusic sensor to record data in a naturalistic environment.  We partnered with Université dans la Nature to test the feasibility of using biomusic to record physiological interactions during a forest bathing activity.  Nature Break is a guided 2-hour immersion event in the forest, which aims to educate participants about the impact of nature on human health and aims to catalyze a personal connection with nature.

We recorded physiological signals from 48 individuals participating in Nature Break using our biomusic technology.  We showed significant differences across all physiological features across the five different “stops”, which incorporated different activities surrounding the five senses.  Our results suggest that interactive nature activities have positive psychological benefits, and demonstrate the feasibility of using wearable sensors to monitor physiological responses in a naturalistic forest bathing activity.

This project was funded by a Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada Engage Plus Grant.