Biomusic Technology

Biomusic, Current Projects

Biomusic is a novel technology that translates significant changes in physiological signals into musical output.  Biomusic has been shown to increase the sense of presence and personhood of persons who have diverse communicative capacities by enabling others to “tune in” to meaningful changes in an individual’s physiological state.  It pushes the boundaries circumscribing subjectivity by offering a potential new mode of becoming aware of others’ reactions, presence and sensitivities.  


Biomusic consists of a wearable sensor that is attached to the fingertip or the wrist, and an Android phone application.  The sensor records three signals of the autonomic nervous system: electrodermal activity (EDA), peripheral skin temperature, and blood volume pulse.  Salient features are extracted from each physiological signal and mapped onto a musical or a sonic output.  Individual users are able to customize their biomusic according to their sensitivities and preferences.  Existing sonifications have been inspired by jazz music, classical music, ambient nature sounds, and urban soundscapes.  


Using a participatory design approach, the BIAPT lab is developing biomusic with a variety of users, including individuals with autism, individuals with dementia, parents of children in complex continuing care, and individuals in pediatric palliative care.