
Notation. Individuals associated with the BIAPT Lab are identified by underline; § indicates equal authorship contributions, * indicates corresponding or co-corresponding authors, and ° indicates authorship from a community partner (e.g. not affiliated with an academic institution).

Citation information available via Google Scholar.

Journal articles:


Duclos, C., Mahdid, Y., Maschke, C., Nadin, D., Rokos, A., Arbour, C., Badawy, M., Létourneau, J., Owen, A.M., Plourde, G. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “Adaptive reconfiguration of brain networks unmasks the capacity for consciousness in unresponsive patients”. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. (accepted)

Azevedo, N., Crestol, A., Berkun, K., Papthanasopoulos, A., Yamani, L., Rokos, A., Kehayia, E. § & Blain-Moraes, S.* § “(2021) A N400 event-related potential elicitation paradigm for native French speakers”.  Mental Lexicon.  (in press). 

Rokos, A., Mah, R., Boshra, R., Harrison, A., Choy, T.L., Blain-Moraes, S.* § & Connolly, J.F. § (2021) “Eliciting and recording event related potentials (ERPs) in behaviorally unresponsive populations: a reflective commentary on critical factors”. Brain Sciences. Doi:10.3390/brainsci11070835.

Savignac, C., Ocay, D.D., Mahdid, Y., Blain-Moraes, S. & Ferland, C.* (2021) “Clinical use of electroencephalography in the assessment of acute thermal pain: A narrative review based on articles from 2009 to 2020”. Clinical EEG & Neuroscience. (accepted)

Duclos, C., Maschke, C., Mahdid, Y., Berkun, K., Da Silva Castanheira, J., Tarnal, V., Picton, P., Vanini, G., Golmirzaie, G., Janke, E., Avidan, M., Kelz, M., Liuzzi, L., Brookes, M., Mashour, G. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “Differential classification of states of consciousness using envelope- and phase-based functional connectivity”. NeuroImage. Doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118171.

Mashour, G.A.*, Palanca, B., Basner, M., Li, D., Maier, K., Wang, W., Blain-Moraes, S., Lin, N., Muench, M., Tarnal, V., Vanini, G., Ochroch, E., Schwartz, M., Maybrier, H., Hardie, R., Janke, E., Golmirzaie, G., Picton, P., McKinstry-Wu, A., Avidan, M.S. § & Kelz, M.B. §. (2021) “Recovery of consciousness and cognition after general anesthesia in humans”. eLIFE. Doi:10.7554/eLife.59525.

Huels, E., Kim, H., Lee, U., Bel-Behar, T., Colmenero, A., Nelson, A., Blain-Moraes, S., Mashour, G.A., Harris, R.E.* (2021) “Neural correlates of the shamanic state of consciousness”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Doi:10.3389/fnhum.2021.610466

Motta-Ochoa, R., Incio-Serra, N. §, Frantz, A.§ & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “Enacting agency: Movement, dementia and interaction”. Arts and Health.

Motta-Ochoa, R. §, Incio-Serra, N. §, Boulet, A.°, Fu, D., Frantz, A., Williams, M.° & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “Mouvement de passage: Creating connections through movement among persons with dementia”. Dementia.

Motta-Ochoa, R., Leibing, A., Bresba, P.°, William, M.°, Shaffer, S.°, Julien, O.°, Racine, E. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “You’re Part of Us and We’re Happy to Have You Here”: Practices of Social Inclusion in a Community-Based Organization for Persons with Dementia”. Clinical Gerontology. 44(4): 471-480.

Duclos, C. §, Nadin, D. §, Mahdid, Y., Tarnal, V., Picton, P., Vanini, G., Golmirzaie, G., Janke, E., Avidan, M.S., Kelz, M.B., Mashour, G.A. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2021) “Brain network motifs are markers of loss and recovery of consciousness”. Scientific Reports. 11:3892.

Moraes, C.§, Blain-Moraes, S.§, Morell-Tomassoni, S. & Gorbet, R.B.* (2021) “The W-model: A pre-college design pedagogy for solving wicked problems”. International Journal of Technology and Design Education. 31(1): 139-164.


Mahdid, Y., Lee, U. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2020) “Assessing the quality of wearable EEG systems using functional connectivity”. IEEE Access. 8:193214-193225. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3033472

Duclos, C., Norton, L., Laforge, G., Frantz, A., Maschke, C., Owen., A.M. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2020) “Protocol for the prognostication of consciousness recovery following a brain injury”. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 12.

Motta-Ochoa, R., Bresba, P.°, Da Silva Castanheira, J., Kwan, C.L., Shaffer, S.°, Julien, O.°, William, M.° & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2020) “‘When I hear my language, I travel back in time and I feel at home’: Intersections of culture with social inclusion and exclusion of persons with dementia and their caregivers”. Transcultural Psychiatry.

Nadin, D., Duclos, C., Mahdid, Y., Rokos, A., Badawy, M., Letourneau, J., Arbour, C., Plourde, G. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2020) “Brain Network Motif Topography May Predict Emergence from Disorders of Consciousness: A Case Series”. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2020(1):niaa017.

Cascio, M.A., Motta-Ochoa, R., Teachman, G., Grond, F., Tembeck, T., Blain-Moraes, S. & Park, M.* (2020) “What’s at stake with biomusic? Engaging the humanities and social sciences in the ethical reflections on an emerging technology.” Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation. 5(20):1-20.

Cascio, M.A., Grond, F., Motta-Ochoa, R., Tembeck, T., Van Teen, D.°, Blain-Moraes, S.* (2020) “Working together – ethnographic observations on participatory design involving adults with autism”. Human Organization. 79(1):1-12.


Sample, M., Sattler, S., Blain-Moraes, S., Rodriguez-Arias, D. & Racine, E.* (2019) “Do publics share experts’ worries about brain-computer interfaces? A trinational survey on the ethics of neural technology”. Science, Technology, and Human Values.

Kwan, C.L., Mahdid, Y., Motta Ochoa, R., Lee, K., Park, M. & Blain-Moraes, S.* (2019) “Wearable technology for detecting significant moments in individuals with dementia”. Biomed Research International. Vol. 2019, Article ID 6515813, 13 pages.

Renda, E., Karmali, S.A., Yordanova, I., Schwartz, S., Mahdid, Y., Blain-Moraes, S.§ & Boudrias, M.H. §* (2019) “Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on an individual’s ability to learn to control a brain-computer interface”. McGill Journal of Medicine.

Sample, M., Aunos, M., Blain-Moraes, S., Bublitz, C., Chandler, J., Falk, T., Friederich, O., Groetzinger, D., Jox, R.J., Koegel, J., McFarland, D., Neufield, V., Rodriguez-Arias, D., Sattler, S., Vidal, F., Wolbring, G., Wolkenstein, A. & Racine, E.* (2019) “BCIs and personhood: Interdisciplinary deliberations on the impact of neural technology”. Journal of Neural Engineering. doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ab39cd

Grond, F., Motta-Ochoa, R., Miyake, N.°, Tembeck, T., Park, M. & Blain-Moraes, S. (2019) “Participatory design of affective technology: Interfacing biomusic and autism”. IEEE Transactions of Affective Computing.

Connolly, J.*, Reilly, J., Fox-Robichaud, A., Britz, P., Blain-Moraes, S., Sonnadara, R., Hamielec, C., Herrera-Diaz, A. & Boshra, R. (2019) “Development of a point of care system for automated coma prognosis – a prospective cohort study protocol”. BMJ Open.

Shortal, B.P., Hickman, L.B., Mak-McCully, R.A., Wang, W., Brennan, C., Ung, H., Litt, B., Tarnal, V., Janke, E., Picton, P., Blain-Moraes, S., Maybrier, H., Muench, M., Lin, N., Avidan, M., Mashour, G., McKinstry-Wu, A., Kelz, M., Palanca, B., & Proekt, A. (2019) “Duration of electroencephalogram suppression does not predict recovery time from general anesthesia”. British Journal of Anaesthesia. Doi:

Lee, H., Golkowski, D., Jordan, D., Berger, S., Ilg, R., Lee, J., Mashour, G.A., Lee, U., Avidan, M., Blain-Moraes, S., Golmirzaie, G., Hardie, R., Hogg, R., Janke, E., Kelz, M.B., Maier, K., Maybrier, H.R., McKinstry-Wu, A., Muench, M., Ochroch, A., Palanca, B.J.A., Picton, P., Schwarz, E.M., Tarnal, V., Vanini, G., Vlisides, P.E. (2019) “Relationship of critical dynamics, functional connectivity, and states of consciousness in large-scale human brain networks”. NeuroImage. 188:228-238. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.011


Blain-Moraes, S.*, Racine, E. & Mashour, G.A. (2018) “Consciousness and Personhood in Medical Care”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 12. 10.3389/fnhum.2018.00306

Thiery T, Lajnef, T, Combrisson E, Dehgan A, Rainville P, Mashour G, Blain-Moraes, S. & Jerbi K.* (2018) “Long-range temporal correlations in the brain distinguish conscious wakefulness from induced unconsciousness”, NeuroImage 179: 30-39. Doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.069

Koller, D.*, McPherson, A.C., Lockwood, I., Blain-Moraes, S. & Nolan, J. (2018) “The impact of Snoezelen in pediatric complex continuing care: A pilot study”. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Approach. 11:31-41.


Walsh, A.*, Evans, J.E., Sims, E., Goldberg, R.L., Peters, K.L., Globerson, K., Drossel, C., Blain-Moraes, S., Merbitz, N.K. (2017) “Bedside audio storytelling for hospital patients: A program overview”. The Journal of Humanities in Rehabilitation. Fall 2017, pp. 1-24.

Blain-Moraes, S., Tarnal, V., Vanini, G., Bel-Behar, T., Janke, E., Picton, P., Golmirzaie, G., McKinney, A., Palanca, B.J.A., Avidan, M.S., Kelz, M.B. & Mashour, G.A.* (2017) “Network efficiency and posterior alpha patterns are markers of recovery from general anesthesia: A high-density electroencephalography study in healthy volunteers”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00328.

Maier, K.L., McKinstry-Wu, A.R., Palanca, B.J.A., Tarnal, V., Blain-Moraes, S., Basner, M., Avidan, M., Mashour, G.A., Kelz, M.B.* (2017) “Protocol for the reconstructing human consciousness and cognition study”. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00284.


Blain-Moraes, S., Boshra, R., Ma, H.K., Mah, R., Ruiter, K., Avidan, M. Connolly, J.F. & Mashour, G.A.* (2016) “Normal brain response to propofol in advance of recovery from unresponsive wakefulness syndrome” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00248

Kim, M., Mashour, G., Blain-Moraes, S., Vanini, G., Tarnal, V., Janke, E., Hudetz, A.G. & Lee, U. (2016) “Functional and topological conditions for explosive synchronization develop in human brain networks with the onset of anesthetic-induced unconsciousness” Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/fncom.2016.00001